The boys have been doing Flag Football this winter and LOVING it! When it came to signing them up Keenan's only request was to do something where he could run--and run he has! He's earned the nickname "Thunder" on the team. Not to toot my own child's horn, but he is super fast. I'm excited to put him in Track this spring :)
I only have pictures of Keenan, because some other awesome Mom on the team actually brought a camera--I'm not so good with the picture taking.
Coby's experience has been a bit different than Keenan's. We signed him up with hopes that he would end up on a team with his buddies, but much to our shigrin, he was too old and ended up on a kind of "catch all" team. They lost their first game by a ton, and the 4 following were not much better. However, last week they played the team they had lost to the first week and won by 3 touchdowns! They were so excited. I love having my boys in sports!