Friday, May 23, 2008

Just a few pictures

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I just havn't taken the time to download any new pictures. My friend Suni is always on me about getting pictures up, and I told her I had pictures, but I just don't havet the time to sit down at the computer and think of something fun to write about each one. She said just put them on there, so that's what I'm doing! These are just some fun pictures we've taken lately of the boys and ourselves with ms. cali.


Cami said...

Cali is getting so chubby as we knew she would. You guys are looking so great. Thanks for sharing the photos. I agree with Suni, just show the pictures. They say so much by themselves. I also don't like stying to think of things to go with my pictures either.

Suni said...

Finally!! I knew you could do it! Cute pictures! Love the one of you and Cali!