Friday, May 23, 2008

Funny Story

One of my friends gave me this adorable pink bikini for Cali, and I just had to try it on her. We thought she looked so cute in it, and apparently Keenan thought the bikini was so cute. As I was taking it off of her he asked if he could wear it. He loves accessories, so I put the top around his neck like a necklace, he wore it for a bit and then I put it in the laundry.
The next day, I decided I needed to lay down while Cali was taking her nap. I set Keenan up with a snack and a show, and went to my room to lay down. Shortly after he came in asking about Cali's swimming suit. I told him it was in the laundry, and went back to sleep. Later the doorbell rang and I got up to see who it was. Keenan was skipping along behind me, as I went to the door. I looked out the peep hole and it was the UPS guy. He had left something and was on his way back to his truck. I opened the door, waved to the guy and picked up my package. As i turned around this is what I saw.......

(He's not mad that I'm taking the picture, he's mad because I suggested he take it off so he wouldn't stretch it out!)

I about died laughing. Not only had he fished the top out of the laundry basket, but he had put the bottoms on too! The only thing he ask was, "Mom, am I are awesome?" I answered with a definite YES! I couldn't believe that my 4 year old boy fit himself into a 3-6 month size pink bikini. He wouldn't take the thing off for the entire day. He is so quirky sometimes. I asked him why he wouldn't take it off, and he said "befauze, I like it!" Eventually I tricked him into taking it off and hid it. For whatever reason, I had these thoughts of him going through his sisters underwear drawer later in life to steal her panties! Let's hope not.

They'll Dance to Anything!

My kids will dance to anything. They love to shake it. I have so many video's of them dancing, but I love this one because they're dancing to the opening credits of a movie. It's funny to me because I'm their mom, but I think you'll find it funny too. I love it!

Just a few pictures

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I just havn't taken the time to download any new pictures. My friend Suni is always on me about getting pictures up, and I told her I had pictures, but I just don't havet the time to sit down at the computer and think of something fun to write about each one. She said just put them on there, so that's what I'm doing! These are just some fun pictures we've taken lately of the boys and ourselves with ms. cali.